Taxis and Bikes
Here is a little memo to all you cab drivers and cyclists out there: GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!! Look I am glad you don't want to drive to work and want to save the environment and all that nice huggy touchy feely tree-hugging crap, but if you are going to be on the road you have to respect the rules of the road. Don't ride through red lights like you own the fucking streets. It's a red light, it means stop. That is pretty simple to follow. Also... I know traffic can be frustrating sometimes but you don't see me taking my vehicle on to the sidewalks whenever I see fit, and you sure as hell don't see me wobbling all over the goddamn road either. If you are gonna ride a bike pay a little fucking attention to your surroundings.
Now... cab drivers. The bane of my existence. Since when are you allowed to stop wherever the fuck you want? And why is it you people are the worst fucking drivers out there? Speed up, slow down. Change lanes, change back (with no blinker in sight). Stop on a busy road, cut someone off when you pull back out (again with no blinker). Who gave these people licences? I understand they have a job to do, but if I drove the way that they do I would probably have my licence suspended. C'mon people, driving is not to hard. In fact it is remarkably simple, but somehow certain people can't quite grasp the concept of that little stick next to the steering wheel that lets people know if they're turning left or right. I can't wait until the day I am rich and I can afford to just plow into everyone of you fuckers that cuts me off. No more slamming on the brakes and screaming obscenities. Just my bumper slamming into yours because you changed lanes without looking and forgot to put your blinker on.
I guess the one thing I can be grateful for in all this is that at least Chinese people don't drive cabs. Fuck... that is a whole other driving rant I can't even get into right now.
- R
lol! you could use a trip to india. or just the indian areas of toronto (as they say "trawnto") .. cyclists will the least of your woes.
there are cows, pedestrians, dogs, trees, tongas, rickshaws, two wheeler vespas and watnots!
so the next time you yell at some bad driver, remember! it could be a LOT LOT worse...
I guess it's always worse somewhere else. I'll have to remember that next time I scream at some ass wipe that can't drive... :)
- R
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