So I've been neglecting my blog of late. I know, for shame Ron, for shame.

Anyhoo... Not much is new... Went to Emerald City Comic-Con and had a great time! Got a couple hundred comics and bought some original art. Got a sketch for Billie of Supergirl and also bought some original Superman art! Convention was pretty awesome, met lots of cool people. Missed out on a Tim Sale sketch though which sucked. Met Rob Liefeld, which was everything I wanted it to be. Also got to see some pretty neat costumes, like the obese Ghostbuster. He rocked it large and in charge! Man I wish I could just go to conventions all fucking summer long. Oh to be independently wealthy!

Has anyone been watching the new trailers for X-Men 3 and Superman Returns? Wow! This is a pretty kick ass summer for movies.
Pirates 2,
Da Vinci Code,
Clerks 2, and so many more! I fucking love summer blockbuster season! Also
Miami Vice featuring a chubby pre-rehab Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx as Tubbs! This will be so fucking cheese that it'll be so fucking good! Already in the planning stages of a "All you can eat-a fajita" night in conjunction with seeing the movie. Ask me or Russ for details. It will be lots of fun! Ok well I'm out, talk to you again soon. I will promise to start updating more regularly again.
- R
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