My Fuckable Five:
So after catching an old Friends episode the other night I find myself sitting here at work contemplating who would be on my list of people I can bang without it being called cheating... After much deliberation I have compiled the following list:
#5: Jessica Simpson

Have you seen her "These Boots Are Made For Walking" video?!?! Jesus H. Christ! That is a hotness rarely seen in anything... I could watch that video all day long. All I'd need is a quart of Vasoline and a roll of paper-towels. This broad is fuckable to the Nth degree and she's dumb! What a great fucking combo! And now that her and Nick have split it is time to make my move...
#4: Stephenie LaGrossa

Anyone that has read my blog for awhile has heard me mention my sweet sweet Stephanie from Survivor. Wow. Just wow. I love the accent too. This beautiful baby can take my immunity challenge anytime... I don't really know what that means...
#3: Summer from The O.C. (Rachel Bilson)

How can you not want to get it on with a girl that dresses as Wonder Woman? She is just so damn adorable. Look at those pouty lips and that beautiful set of... eyes. Oh the things I would eat out of her ass... You have no idea!
#2: Angelina Jolie

Ahhhhh Angelina. Almost the hottest women ever... So curvy... So beautiful... Anyone who says they wouldn't fuck this girl is a filthy liar and shot be drug out into the street and punched in the teeth. Man, woman, gay or straight, all of 'em would take a crack at her if they thought they had a chance. Unfortunately none of us do.
#1: Keira Knightley

'Nuff said.
Honorable Mentions go to all the chicks on Lost, J. Lo (yeah, yeah I know), Natalie Portman, Jennifer Esposito, Trish Stratus, Natalie, Sarah and of course the Smallville girls.
- R
Keira Knightly?! What the hells wrong wit you son? Mouths' always hangon' open like she's catching bugs... and tits? Where are they? No really, where? (Emmie pulls out magnifying glass) Thank you lovely assistant. ahem.
You Sux
I like da moon.
cause it look like cheese
i like da moon.
cause it is not a puffin
you sux
i'm a freegan. I only eat food that's free.
oh, i nearly forgot. you sux, jackass.
Vaseline: Slippy Dickin' it since 1932.
Boop Boop
Boop Boop
Tainted Love
Boop Boop
Tainted Love
Boop Boop
Nice comments Mark.
I also like the moon cuz it is very high.
But maybe not as high as dirigibles or zeppelins.
Corner office's with windows are the best.
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