Random crap from the last week or so
Movie review time motherfucker!
Lie With Me: 6 outta 6

I saw this last week at the Vancouver Island Film and Video Festival and I think it is one of the finest films I have seen in a long time... a long time (If you don't get that reference you suck my nuts). So the flick is about this broad named Leila who loves to fuck and in my books that makes her a pretty cool chick. She ends up falling for David (played by Eric Balfour ) and from there it turns into, what I believe to be, a very honest and moving true to life story of finding love, happiness and that special someone. Other cool thing? Filmed in Canada! Fuck yeah! So if this happens into a local theatre where you live, or you have to wait for the DVD make sure you see it. You won't regret it.
St. Martyrs of the Damned: 4 outta 6

Another cool movie from the VIFVF. This one was filmed in Quebec and is in french with english subtitles. Very interestingly bizarre flick. It starts out as something like a horror movie then turns into a weirdo surreal clusterfuck then back to a pseudo-horror again. I don't like it when a movie tries to be to many things. It starts of totally interesting and creepy then when it shifts to it's Lynchian mode the film kinda tapers off. This movie could've easily been a five or a six if it wasn't so fucking long either. 117 minutes was about 47 minutes to long. Now in all fairness this is Aubert's directorial debut so I'll cut some slack there and say for a first try this is really fucking good.
Must Love Dogs: 5 outta 6

Love, love, love John Cusack movies! He is the undisputed king of the rom-com. Diane Lane is hot hot hot for an old broad to! Wow, I was surprised. Other than those two this movie also starred Elizabeth Perkins, Christopher Plummer, Dermot Mulroney and Stockard Channing! Pretty good cast I'd say. Story is cute and charming with some pretty funny scenes with Diane Lane and the children at her daycare being brutally honest about life. All in all if you like this kind of movie go see Must Love Dogs. It is funny and cute and heart-warming. If you don't like this kind of movie you are obviously an automaton with no human emotions and should throw yourself from the nearest bridge to prevent humanity from having to interact with you and your cold dead heart.
So that is all... Starting tomorrow I am going to watch a movie everyday for the rest of the month and review them as I go. So check back for daily updates coming at you, well, everday I guess.
- R
P.S. Blogger spellcheck sucks ass... It alway tries to replace fucking with bucking and motherfucker with motorbike. WTF mate?
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