Fuck you IOC
So there are certain times I just get pissed off at the world, and I am finding this happening more and more frequently. Today I saw that the IOC has made the Canadian Women's Hockey team apologize for their celebratory antics after winning a gold medal last night. What did they do that was so crazy? What did they do that embarrassed the IOC to the point they will be launching an investigation?
They went out on the ice after everyone had left to celebrate, and had a few beers and smoked cigars.
Well holy fuck sir. I'm shocked and appalled that they celebrated like that after winning a gold medal in their home country for their nations most recognized sport. How dare they? I expected better of them. Now I don't mean it was wrong for them to drink and smoke mind you, I just mean that if I just won gold I'd probably be apologizing for my antics the rest of my life. I'd be doing rails off my medal while clubbing a baby seal with a non-biodegradable Styrofoam club, in between having unprotected sex with minors who are also clubbing baby seals with the aforementioned club. And all of this would be available on streaming video for TMZ. Maybe I just party harder than these women though...