BEP Tonight! Yee-haw!!
So Black Eyed Peas tonight at the arena. Pretty excited about it. It will be my first time going our new Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre. I'm not really that big of a fan of them but they have enough songs I like to make it worth going... What else to say... hmmm...
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: 5 out of 6
Great great great book. Really enjoyable and only 20 bucks at Wal-Mart. Don't wanna talk to much about that as I might accidentally give away crucial info from the story.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: 4 out of 6
I was really surprised that Johnny Depp didn't get all whacko-jacko and try to offer Charlie some pills and alcohol, while attempting to fondle his Wonka bar. The trailers for this made me so sure I would not like this movie but I went anyways (I had to take Billie). I was very surprised with what I saw. This whole time I was expecting some Michael Jackson / Marilyn Manson pervy half-breed, trying to get it on with all the kids. As much as I love Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, Mr. Depp looked like the poster boy for pedophilia in this flick. Glad to say I was wrong and there were no weirdo awkward child / man-child interaction scenes... but then again there's always DVD cut-scenes so who knows, right? The Oompa-Loompas were all played by the same guy which was odd, and they sang songs that weren't quite as good as the original ones. As far as remakes go this is a winner though. Anyone with kids needs to take them to this, but if you go without the toddlers? Smoke a big fucking fatty and you'll really enjoy this one.
The Wedding Crashers: 4 out of 6
Fucking funny as hell. Nothing else to say really. If you've seen the comercials you know the story. It's not some tale of drama, suspense and woe. It's two fuck heads crashing weddings to get laid. Pretty straight forward. Funny funny stuff though.
I'm also trying to quit smoking... ugh. Fuck man that sucks. Either don't ever start or don't ever quit. I had a bit of one today and I didn't feel so hot after, so maybe I'll be able to really quit this time. And of course I lit up just as Brooke pulled in. Fucking figures... sneak one smoke and it's just as your girlfriend shows up. So I'm going to try and read more and do this thing more and try to keep myself occupied with other tasks. I'm reading "the only good thing anyone has ever done" by Sandra Newman. Not bad so far, but really disjointed storytelling.
That's all for now, and if anyone knows of any good books to read lemme know. Post a comment. E-mail. Phone. Stop by with coffee. Just let me know! The rate I'm going it's going to be a book every day or two!
- R