My Fuckable Five:
So after catching an old Friends episode the other night I find myself sitting here at work contemplating who would be on my list of people I can bang without it being called cheating... After much deliberation I have compiled the following list:
#5: Jessica Simpson

Have you seen her "These Boots Are Made For Walking" video?!?! Jesus H. Christ! That is a hotness rarely seen in anything... I could watch that video all day long. All I'd need is a quart of Vasoline and a roll of paper-towels. This broad is fuckable to the Nth degree and she's dumb! What a great fucking combo! And now that her and Nick have split it is time to make my move...
#4: Stephenie LaGrossa

Anyone that has read my blog for awhile has heard me mention my sweet sweet Stephanie from Survivor. Wow. Just wow. I love the accent too. This beautiful baby can take my immunity challenge anytime... I don't really know what that means...
#3: Summer from The O.C. (Rachel Bilson)

How can you not want to get it on with a girl that dresses as Wonder Woman? She is just so damn adorable. Look at those pouty lips and that beautiful set of... eyes. Oh the things I would eat out of her ass... You have no idea!
#2: Angelina Jolie

Ahhhhh Angelina. Almost the hottest women ever... So curvy... So beautiful... Anyone who says they wouldn't fuck this girl is a filthy liar and shot be drug out into the street and punched in the teeth. Man, woman, gay or straight, all of 'em would take a crack at her if they thought they had a chance. Unfortunately none of us do.
#1: Keira Knightley

'Nuff said.
Honorable Mentions go to all the chicks on Lost, J. Lo (yeah, yeah I know), Natalie Portman, Jennifer Esposito, Trish Stratus, Natalie, Sarah and of course the Smallville girls.
- R